To access the TeamGenius Custom Export feature first go to your assessment home.  Then click on Reports in the left-hand menu. Then click the Go To Report button under Custom Report.

Next, select "Configure Report"

A pop-up window will open giving you the options to sort, group, filter player information, or change the view of your table by hiding and rearranging the order of columns.  The checkmark to the right will apply any changes you make, while the "X" to the left will cancel and changes and return you to the Custom Exports window.


"Sorting" will automatically be selected.  To choose a field to sort by click on the circle to the right.  The checkmark denotes this field is selected.

Once a field has been selected, that field will auto-populate to the top.  You can change the sort from ascending to descending order by clicking on the arrow to the left of the red "x." Click on the red "x" to remove.

To sort by additional fields, repeat this process.  Once you have more than one field selected, the three horizontal lines to the left of the field name will allow you to change the priority of the sort.  Just click and drag one above the other.


To choose a field to filter by, click on the down arrow to the right of the field name.   Click "LOAD VALUES TO SELECT," then make your desired choice.

Once the filter has been applied you will notice the filter icon next to a red "x" seen below.

Click on the red "x" to remove a filter.  To filter by additional fields, repeat this process.



Clicking on the eyeball icon to the right of the field name will either hide or show that field in a column in your table.   

To change the order of the columns, click on the three horizontal lines to the left of the field name and drag to the desired position.

You can save your Custom Report by clicking on the "Save as New Report" in gold in the left column and adding a name.  

The report will then show up under the "Created by me" list.

You will also be able to use reports others created while using your organization's TeamGenius web-based system.  They will appear under "Created by others."

You can export your custom report as a PDF, an Excel file, or a CSV file by clicking on "Export Grid" in the upper right corner of the table.