If you are using TeamSnap to collect tryout registrations or to organize your teams, save time by importing your players into TeamGenius directly from TeamSnap. 

Please note, the automated check-in feature is not available if you use this option. You will need to manually assign player's numbers in order for them to appear in the app. 

Within an Assessment, navigate to Add Players under Players in the left side menu.

Important Note: You will need Commissioner access over the TeamSnap account in order to use this option.

To import players from your TeamSnap site, click the box with the TeamSnap logo.

Doing so opens an authorization redirect, allowing you to sign in to your TeamSnap account. You will have the option of importing from the following:

  • Divisions - Select this option is players are already broken out into teams within your TeamSnap account and you wish to import the entire division (ex: U10)

  • Members - Select this option if players have registered but are not assigned to teams yet. You are able to filter by the registration form and import those that have registered already. This option can be performed multiple times as players register without the software duplicating players already imported.

  • My Teams - If you only need to import one team into TeamGenius, this option allows you to select the team to import. 

You will then be directed to the field mappings page where you can continue the process. See our article on field mappings for more information on this step: Adding Players - Field Mappings

Next Step: Adding Players - Field Mappings

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