When it's time to share the Access Key with your evaluators, you have 2 options:

  • Email the Access Key through TeamGenius
  • Share the Access Key externally via your preferred method

Emailing Access Keys through TeamGenius

As easy way to share Access Keys with evaluators is by emailing them directly from your Assessment. You'll see an Email icon next to generated keys at the Player Pool, Eval Group, Evaluation Session, and Advanced Access Key level. 

Note: You are not able to email evaluators the General Access Key through TeamGenius. You are only able to email the Player Pool, Eval Group, Session and Advanced Access Keys through TeamGenius. 

To email the key to your evaluators, click on the Email icon then type in your evaluator's email addresses. 

You can also include a message for them to see in the email invite. 

Once you click Share, an email will be sent from TeamGenius with the key and also a custom link that will take them directly into the evaluation for the level of access you've granted with the key. 

Once you email an evaluator the Access Key, you will be able to see who you've emailed when you click on the Email icon again. 

Sharing the Access Keys Externally

If you do not have the evaluator's email addresses, or you prefer to share the key with them another way, you are able to copy the key to your clipboard. 

Some evaluators prefer a text with the key so they can quickly reference the key if needed. It's up to you on how you'd like to share the keys with your staff. 

As noted above, if you are using the General Access Key, you will not be able to email it to evaluators through TeamGenius. You'll need to copy the key and email it externally, text it, or have it on a piece of paper for evaluators to reference during tryouts.