Once tryouts are complete and players have been placed on teams, you may want to send an offer letter via email. To do so follow the steps in this guide.

Note: If you plan on sending a similar email for each team placement offer, be sure to create an email template first. Follow the steps in our Creating an Email Template article before proceeding further.

Step 1: Navigate to Send Emails under Messaging in the left side menu of your assessment.

Step 2: Select the players you would like to send a team placement offer to. 

Tip: You can filter by Team if you assigned players to teams using the Team Placement column within the results page. For more details on how to assign players to teams from the results tab, see our article Team Placement in TeamGenius. Click the filter icon in the Team column to select one or multiple teams at email. 

Step 3: Add your template to the email and update the "From Email" and "From Name" to the email address of the person tracking who accepts and declines team positions.

If you did not create an Email Template, type in your email content into the email body where you see "Start Writing...".

Step 4: Customize the email with the player's name and team offer you are extending by clicking on Placeholders. 

Other customization options: 

  • Add web links and images into your email for a more professional look.
  • Sell an advertisement to place at the bottom of your team placement emails.  This is a great way to earn extra money for your club.

Here is a sample placement email...

{FirstName} will auto-populate the player's first name, and {Team} will auto-populate your entry from the Team Placement column within the Results tab. 

Step 5: Review your email and send it to the selected players. 

You can send a test email by clicking Send Test Message and entering your email address in the "Send to this email address" box.

Please allow 1-2 minutes for the email to arrive.

 When you are ready to send the batch, click the green Send Message button. 

 You will have to confirm one last time you are ready to send your message.

Other helpful tips: