Did you know you can email your entire organization from TeamGenius? 

If you need to share a general message that applies to all players across assessments, organization messaging can come in handy. 

You're also able to send a player's lifetime development report out via organization messaging. Lifetime development reports include any evaluation the player participated in during their term with the organization within one report. 

How to send an Organization Level Email

Step 1: Scroll over Players at the top menu in your TeamGenius account and select Send Emails

Step 2:  Select the player(s) you would like to include in the email. You can filter players (by player pool for example) by clicking the filter icon on any of the columns in the table. 

If you wish to email all of the players within the organization that are currently active, check the box to the left of the Name column to select all players. 

Note: Players must have an email address in TeamGenius in order to use the messaging feature. You will see a banner note above the Create Message button if a selected player does not have an email address. 

Locate the player that does not have an email address, then click the Add Email Addresses button to input their email address. 

Optional Step - Include Any/All Reports a player have participated in: If you want to include any reports (including all of the evaluation reports a player have been involved) in in your email, check the INCLUDE REPORTS box.

You are able to select which reports (aka sessions scored) you'd like to share in the email. 

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the teal CREATE MESSAGE button.

Step 4: Craft your email message. 

On this page, you can:

  • Set a From Address (email address that will appear on the receiving end of this email message)
  • Set a From Name (name that will appear on the receiving end of this email message)
  • CC/BCC additional contacts to the email
  • Type in the subject and email body or select a Template from your pre-created template options. See our tutorial here on how to create Email templates 
  • Include Attachments to the email

Optional: Customize your email. 

Click on PLACEHOLDERS to see a variety of fields to drop into the email body. For example, select FirstName if you want the email to drop in the player's first name where the Placeholder is added. 


If you're sending player development reports, you will see the option to include the player's birthdate, email address, and any custom fields in the report. 

Step 5: Send the email. 

To send the email to the selected players, click SEND MESSAGE at the bottom of the page. The email will process in the background and be sent to all recipients individually within a few minutes.

Note: Before you send the final message, you can send yourself a test message by clicking the blue SEND TEST MESSAGE button. A sample of the email you have created will appear in your inbox within a few minutes.

Important note about Reports: If you are sending any reports via the organization level, you are not able to send the web-based report version. Organization level reports are PDF only. If you select a template that includes the AthleteReportLink Placeholder, you will be notified the template is not supported in organization level messaging. 

Either select a different template or proceed to the Assessment level messaging to send out an individual assessment's reports. 

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