You can save time creating new assessments by cloning, or duplicating a past assessment to use again.
From the Assessment dashboard, click on the 3 vertical dots to the right of the Access Key for the Assessment you'd like to clone.
Click Clone Assessment.
Change the name of the Assessment for your cloned version in the New Assessment Name text box. You can also choose to:
- Include Evaluation Sessions - This will clone the sessions you have in place. You'll be able to update the name of the session if needed once cloned.
- Include Player Pools - This will clone the existing player pools. If your age groups or team names have changed, it's not necessary to clone them.
- Include Players - This will clone the players in the assessment. If you have new players participating, you'll likely not want to include them in the clone.

Once the Assessment has been cloned, you're able to update it as needed. This could include updating the scoring criteria under Scoring Forms, changing/adding Evaluation Sessions, updating Player Pool names, etc.