Please note - this is only an option if your Player Import file contains BOTH Player Number and Player Pool. If you do not pre-assign player numbers, please follow Importing Players from a CSV File and Checking in Registered Players. If you plan to assign player evaluation groups, this will also need to be done in your CSV file prior to importing players.
TeamGenius can auto-assign player numbers during the import if selected.Importing Players With a CSV File
1. To import a file using a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file you will first need to click on the "Add Players" tab on the left menu.
- Last Name
- First Name
- Player #
- Player pool
You do have the option for TeamGenius to generate player numbers for you. This option is available to select after the mapping process is complete.
There are other non-mandatory fields you may want to capture listed below.
- Gender
- Eval Groups (if this option was selected in your assessment set up.
3. Once a CSV file is selected, you need to map your fields in the software.
4. If you would like TeamGenius to auto-populate player pool names make sure the "Create New Player Pools" option is selected.
5. Now, click on "Use These Mappings".
6. Players will be created. If you are uploading large file (300+ players) it may take just a couple of minutes.
7. The system will inform you of how many players were imported successfully and how many may not have been mapped correctly at this time.
8. If you have more players to import from another file, you can now import more players by clicking on the "Import More Players" button. Please remember to ensure that all fields are the same as the previously imported file and meet the minimum required fields listed above.