If you are currently using SportsEngine for registration, you are able to sync players who have registered in SportEngine over to TeamGenius.

Please note, the automated check-in feature is not available if you use this option. You will need to manually assign player's numbers in order for them to appear in the app.

Below, we'll walk through the steps. 

Add Players from SportsEngine

Important Note: You will need Webmaster access over the SportsEngine account in order to use this option.

To import a registration from your SportsEngine site, click the box with the SportsEngine logo.

In the assessment left navigation menu, click on the "Players" tab, then click on "Add Players".

Click on Add Players from SportsEngine.

Doing so opens an authorization redirect, allowing you to sign in to your SportsEngine account. Once you have been logged in and redirected back to TeamGenius, simply click a registration in the list and select "Import This Registration."  

Note: You will see archived registrations mixed in with your active registrations. The system will pull in all possible registration forms from your SportsEngine account for you to import. 

This will bring you to the field mappings page where you can continue the process. See more details about field mapping in our article: Adding Players - Field Mappings 

Note: You do not have to map all of the fields from your SportsEngine registration into TeamGenius. You are able to Unmap fields by clicking the "X" next to the column name. 

Please note:  The system only allows TeamGenius to import registration data that is entered by the person registering the player.  If you would like to upload other items in SportEngine like payment status, you'll need to export your registration information as a CSV file and import that file using our CSV player upload option 

Next Step: Adding Players - Field Mappings

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