Note: Before you are able to check in players using the mobile app, you must:

  1. Enable Mobile Check In on your assessment
  2. Grant admin access to those who need to manage Player Check In (System administrators automatically have this access level, but anyone else will need to be assigned Player Check-In access under User Permissions)

If you haven't yet enabled Mobile Check in on your assessment, please follow the steps in our article - Enabling Mobile Player Check In. 

Accessing Player Check In from the Mobile App

In order to check in players from the TeamGenius mobile app, you will need the Access Key for the assessment. Enter your name, admin email address, and Access Key on the app login page, then click Sign In

If you have multiple sessions open for scoring, you will need to select a session before you see the check in option. 

From the player selection page, click the green "+" button at the bottom left of the app screen. 

You will be prompted to enter the password for your TeamGenius admin account.


Adding/Editing Player Pools, Eval Groups, and Jersey Numbers

The easiest way to find a player is by using the Search function at the top of the screen. Start typing in the player's first or last name to pinpoint who you want to check in. 

Click on the Yellow or Green assignment bar to edit a player's Pool, Eval Group or Number. 

For existing Player Pools and Eval Groups, click on the drop down menu for each category to assign a player to an existing Player Pool or Eval Group. 

To add a player number, type in the number in the text box. 

Note: Players in the same Player Pool are not able to share a number. If you have the same number but different jersey colors, enter a letter for the color, then the number (example: for Red 5, enter R5). 

Adding/Editing Player Profile Information

If you need to edit the player's name, email, position, etc, click the 3 vertical dots to the right of the player's details. Click Edit Player Information. 

Once you are finished editing information, remember to click the Save button. 

Marking a Player Present using Attendance Tracking

Note: This is a Pro tier feature and needs to be enabled on the Assessment. If you do not have Attendance Tracking enabled on your Assessment, please skip this section. 

If you have the Pro tier and want to enable Attendance tracking on your Assessment, follow the steps in our article Enabling Attendance Tracking

If your Assessment has Attendance Tracking enabled, you will see that players either have a status of Present or Not Present. 

To mark a player as Present, click on the Yellow or Green assignment bar then check the box next to "Is Present". This will set the player's attendance to Present meaning they are officially able to be evaluated. 

You can also click on the 3 vertical dots to the right of the Assignment Bar to see a "Mark Player as Present" option. 

Note: Evaluators are not able to score on players that are Not Present. Players that need to be scored must be marked as Present for evaluators to have the ability to score them. 

Adding a Walk Up Player

To add Players through Mobile Check-In, click on the green Add Player button at the bottom of the app screen. 

Fill in the desired information. To be "checked in" on the TeamGenius app for a Tryout Assessment, make sure to enter at least these four bits of information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Player Pool
  • Player Number

When you have entered the player’s information, click on NEXT at the bottom of the screen.

You will then see the option to add a Player Pool, Eval Group, and Player Number. You can also take a Profile Photo and mark the player as Present if these features are enabled on your Assessment. Click Save when done. 

Taking a Player's Profile Photo

If you want to take a player photo, click on the camera icon inside the blank headshot icon. This will open up your device camera to take the photo. Depending on the device, click OK or Retry to either save or take the photo again. This photo will be visible to evaluators using the mobile app. 

Remember to click on SAVE when you are done.

Note: This does not save the photo to your phone device. It is only saved within the app. 

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